January Review

Hey All!

Thanks for reading my past posts! A couple of you suggested great ideas to blog about my updates at intervals to help me stay accountable for my New Years resolutions.. so here I am!

After New Years, we went back to the grind. D and I have been pretty good about only having 1-3 cheat meals during the weekend, but not more. We’ve been trying to finish leftovers more, instead of wasting food. I’ve been great at cooking ONLY Vegan meals, it’s only when we’re out and about that it can get a little tough. Other than that, I’m happy where we’re at.

As far as Physical Activity, I did Yoga twice in the past month LOL! I’ve really slacked on that. Honestly, I have no idea how you Mama’s do it while staying home with your child(ren). I’m so tired all the time, or just lazy. Half the time I don’t even think about it until after my window of opportunity passes. I’m hoping February I can focus a little more on it. Maybe I just need a reminder on my phone and organize what I want to do certain days so I can put it on the calendar or something.

I’ve definitely focused some time into Self-Care. I actually made an appointment and went, instead of cancelling! I’m also about to leave in a couple hours to get a much needed haircut. I think the last time I got a cut was last spring/summer? I’m hoping to get a massage sometime in February. Now that Nora’s 23.5 lbs, my body aches after holding her — it doesn’t help that she’s been wanted to be held a bit more these days, but I won’t say no to that, either.

I got to meet my close friends for brunch last weekend in Birmingham, at the Mad Hatter Bistro. The food was fabulous, I just love a themed restaurant. It was refreshing to be out in the world and see my people. It always fills my heart ❤

I’ve also made it a point to see more of my family and reach out to make sure we try to get together. My younger brother and his wife are due to have their baby soon, so I know that’ll call for a lot more family time. My older brother has been coming over once a week so can we sit down to dinner and catch up on life. It’s been nice to have him back in my life. It’s not like he ever left, but we just never took the time to reach out to each other and I’m glad we’ve been able to reconnect. I’ve always been closer to my younger brother (we’re closer in age), but that should stop me from reaching out. I also want to raise Nora knowing how important Family is.

Blogging seems to be going well, per this post! I have a few posts started, but not finished. I’m hoping to be able to post at least once a week, but I’m taking my time getting to that goal. Maybe once every two weeks for now?

There was a couple days this past month that our internet was out and we had to wait for a service person to come out and take a look at it. It was a little nice to disconnect from the internet for a little while. It allowed me to try to be creative. Nora and I definitely played more. I introduced her to old DVD’s we have. She really enjoyed the dance movie we watched. Today, I let her play upstairs since we don’t really have a TV available for us to watch. It was kind of nice to not watch anything. I’m also trying to plan things to get us out of the house more so we don’t fall back into TV watching mode.

Marriage-wise, we were able to get out of the house after dinner to watch Star Wars while my Mom babysat. It was much needed! She also babysat when Dom and I went to meet up with my friends for brunch. It’s really nice to be able to get out the house with Nora for a little while. I think we’re able to remember who we used to be a little more when we’re not in parenting mode.

As far as January’s goals, I think it went pretty well for my first month! There is always room for improvement and I’m glad I have this blog and you wonderful readers to help keep me accountable!

How are your goals/resolutions for the year coming along?


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