June 2018 Review

Wow! This month has flown by! Sorry for the lack of posts, I’ve been using my time and energy towards my resolutions and trying to better myself. Welcome, to the few new followers.. glad to have you!

As far as my June update:

I have NOT been eating better! It pains me to write this, but I’ve been uninspired to cook lately, especially this week. We got take-out or ate at restaurants for dinner every night this week. I’m hoping to kick this, trying to meal plan this week. So yeah, there’s that. It’ll be one year since Dom and I decided to go Vegan (well, mostly Vegan) and that’s huge for us! Hoping to get back on track after this weekend. I got really good at planning things out during May and early June, but the heat and the busy-ness/laziness of spring/summer has snuck it’s way in.

Physical activity has been great these past two months. I started working out right before our California trip mid-April and got back on in May. Then went really strong in this past month. I took this morning off to catch up on here because I keep thinking about writing and updating everyone. My routine is basically wake up around 6:30-ish and get a workout session in hopefully before Nora wakes up. D has been super motivating because he started and finished Insanity Asylum and is now doing some other workout program. Him waking up early before starting work has really encouraged me and help me to get where I am.

Lately, I’ve been able to work out 4-5 times a week which is such an upgrade from zero times a week! I don’t care much for my weight, it’s really just a number on a scale — it doesn’t measure fat, water, or muscle so forget that! I just know what I feel and I feel GREAT! My clothes have been fitting better, I’m loving what I see in the mirror and the biggest reason I even started working out — to keep up with the energy of my 19-month-old daughter.

I’ve been following and using Fitness Blender on YouTube and love their workout videos! Simple to follow, challenging enough for my non-exercising self, and not crazy or distracting. I started with a warm-up video, a 10-minute workout, and then a cool down. Now I’m at 20-30 minute workouts. Proud of how far I’ve come in my fitness journey, hoping to keep it up and staying motivated!

As far as self-care, I’m doing my best to listen to what my body needs. It’s not always easy, as I also have to listen and prioritize what my child needs, but when she’s napping or sleeping, that’s my me time. I’m trying to embrace the few quiet moments I have throughout the day and doing what I need to take care of myself. Self-care is about doing something for yourself. My exercise routine is part of it. Having a smoothie for breakfast is part of it. Napping while she naps is part of it. Watching a RomCom is part of it. I’m feeling more and more in-tune with myself and my body, and happy with it!

I’ve also had several opportunities to catch up with friends the past couple months. Even if it’s not always solo time together, I’m glad I’m able to spend time with my people and that they’re willing to come over and catch up while my daughter’s asleep. This week, I’ll be celebrating my closest friend’s birthday and last weekend I celebrated the bridal shower of a friend from Nursing School. I’m so blessed to be able to see and celebrate these milestones with the people I love! Also, having spent some quality time with my Mama-friend I met at the library. It’s always nice to catch up while we’re with our kids. I can’t tell you how much it helped to have made a Mommy-friend, especially one whose kid is close in age to mine. My heart always feels so full after spending time with her, knowing she gets me and knowing that someone else is going through the things I go through.

I haven’t had too much Family time, with the exception of Father’s Day. D’s parents have always come over once a week to spend time with Nora and after expressing my desire to start a vegetable garden, my Father-in-law has taken Dom and I under his wing and has really helped us turn our backyard/weed-plot into a thing of beauty! I’m so grateful to have him in our lives!

My Mama has spent most of June in the Philippines, and my Dad was there for a couple weeks before her, so we haven’t seen much of them lately, but she comes back today so I’m hoping there will be more family time this summer.

As you already know, my blog life has taken the backseat for the past few months. I’m ok with it, as it is lower on the priority level, but it’s still important to me. I love being able to share my life to anyone willing to read/listen. We all lead important lives! I’m hoping to be able to get on here from time to time, at least once a month, to stay updated with my resolutions. I’m grateful that they’re going so well! Who knew they’d still resonate this strong 6 months later?! Trying to keep accountable!

Mom-Life has been great, it’s easily my number one priority. The past few weeks have been tough, getting this strong-willed little lady to be safe and learn right from wrong. We have our trying times, days/hours/minutes/seconds, but’s it’s flowing along. Lately, she’s been testing my patience, but I’m trying to keep cool as long as I can. I’m also trying to figure out the best way to discipline her. She understands many of the things I say, but also not that much. It’s hard to find an age-appropriate disciplinary action for my almost 20-month-old… any tips would be greatly appreciated!

D and I have been working on our marriage a little bit here and there. It’s definitely a work in progress, but I’m glad we’re both taking the time to work on it. We are still sticking to one date-night a month and catching whatever time away from Nora that we can. She is our life, but we need some Mama-Daddy time, too. Since his parents come to visit once a week, we decided last night to go out to dinner while they’re with her. It was maybe an hour or so away, but it was much needed. And in that little time away together, I already felt more connected to him than I’ve felt all week.


January Review

Hey All!

Thanks for reading my past posts! A couple of you suggested great ideas to blog about my updates at intervals to help me stay accountable for my New Years resolutions.. so here I am!

After New Years, we went back to the grind. D and I have been pretty good about only having 1-3 cheat meals during the weekend, but not more. We’ve been trying to finish leftovers more, instead of wasting food. I’ve been great at cooking ONLY Vegan meals, it’s only when we’re out and about that it can get a little tough. Other than that, I’m happy where we’re at.

As far as Physical Activity, I did Yoga twice in the past month LOL! I’ve really slacked on that. Honestly, I have no idea how you Mama’s do it while staying home with your child(ren). I’m so tired all the time, or just lazy. Half the time I don’t even think about it until after my window of opportunity passes. I’m hoping February I can focus a little more on it. Maybe I just need a reminder on my phone and organize what I want to do certain days so I can put it on the calendar or something.

I’ve definitely focused some time into Self-Care. I actually made an appointment and went, instead of cancelling! I’m also about to leave in a couple hours to get a much needed haircut. I think the last time I got a cut was last spring/summer? I’m hoping to get a massage sometime in February. Now that Nora’s 23.5 lbs, my body aches after holding her — it doesn’t help that she’s been wanted to be held a bit more these days, but I won’t say no to that, either.

I got to meet my close friends for brunch last weekend in Birmingham, at the Mad Hatter Bistro. The food was fabulous, I just love a themed restaurant. It was refreshing to be out in the world and see my people. It always fills my heart ❤

I’ve also made it a point to see more of my family and reach out to make sure we try to get together. My younger brother and his wife are due to have their baby soon, so I know that’ll call for a lot more family time. My older brother has been coming over once a week so can we sit down to dinner and catch up on life. It’s been nice to have him back in my life. It’s not like he ever left, but we just never took the time to reach out to each other and I’m glad we’ve been able to reconnect. I’ve always been closer to my younger brother (we’re closer in age), but that should stop me from reaching out. I also want to raise Nora knowing how important Family is.

Blogging seems to be going well, per this post! I have a few posts started, but not finished. I’m hoping to be able to post at least once a week, but I’m taking my time getting to that goal. Maybe once every two weeks for now?

There was a couple days this past month that our internet was out and we had to wait for a service person to come out and take a look at it. It was a little nice to disconnect from the internet for a little while. It allowed me to try to be creative. Nora and I definitely played more. I introduced her to old DVD’s we have. She really enjoyed the dance movie we watched. Today, I let her play upstairs since we don’t really have a TV available for us to watch. It was kind of nice to not watch anything. I’m also trying to plan things to get us out of the house more so we don’t fall back into TV watching mode.

Marriage-wise, we were able to get out of the house after dinner to watch Star Wars while my Mom babysat. It was much needed! She also babysat when Dom and I went to meet up with my friends for brunch. It’s really nice to be able to get out the house with Nora for a little while. I think we’re able to remember who we used to be a little more when we’re not in parenting mode.

As far as January’s goals, I think it went pretty well for my first month! There is always room for improvement and I’m glad I have this blog and you wonderful readers to help keep me accountable!

How are your goals/resolutions for the year coming along?


New Year, Better Me


I’ve always been one to believe in the power of change, especially at the new year. I know people say, “come February, you’ll probably stop doing your NY resolutions”, but I still think it’s important to make. I try to make “resolutions” (aka GOALS) throughout the year, but what a better way to start a new year than with a list of goals! These are my goals for 2018:

1. Eat Better

D and I started transitioning to a Vegan lifestyle since last July and have been able to keep it up, giving ourselves a cheat meal/day for special occasions (weddings, family parties, holidays, etc.) Unfortunately, Thanksgiving and this past Christmas has deemed the lifestyle rather difficult. It’s been tough because I’m torn between not wasting food, but not trying to eat meat and dairy all week. When I ate meat and dairy for about a week after Thanksgiving, I felt horrible inside. I was bloated, I had the worst PMS symptoms since we started going Vegan, and I felt very sluggish. This upcoming year, I want to make it a goal that if we do cheat, to only cheat for a MEAL and not a day or a week. I want to be a better Vegan.

2. Physical Activity

I barely worked out since having Nora last year. I surprisingly jog/walked a 5k over the summer, and would occasionally do a speed-walk/jog on that track with Nora over the summer, but since the weather cooled down I used it as an excuse to slow down. I have these Yoga DVD’s I’d love to get into. I want Nora to see me working out, the way she sees D working out, and learn that from me, as well. Monkey see, Monkey do. When spring/summer hits, I want to take more walks/jogs. I want to take her to the park more, and get her enrolled in swimming classes. I want 2018 to be more active for us as a Family!

3. Self-Care

I want to take more time for myself — getting routine haircuts or monthly massages. I want to actually read a book from start to finish. I started getting into skin care products in the past few months and finally found a routine that works for me and makes me want to get up in the morning! I want to get all my routine check-ups (physicals, Pap smears, dental and eye visits, etc.) done, aside from all of Nora’s. I felt like 2017 focused on all of her check-ups (because there were SO MANY!!), and not really on my own. I need to do better than that, I need to make sure I keep myself in check so I can be the best for myself and for my Family.

4. Friends

I won’t lie, I’ve been such a terrible friend ever since Nora was born. Adjusting to all the changes that come along with being a new Mama, on top of being exhausted ALL the time, has definitely made me a homebody trying to get rest whenever she’s resting. But now that Nora’s a year old and on more of a “schedule”, I’ve been able to get more rest and it’s become a lot easier to manage my time. Now that I’ve been at the Mama-gig for a year, I feel it’s time to go back into the world and try to be a better friend. I want to reach out more often to my friends and try to have a get-together with them at least once a month. I feel like I’ve seen them once a season, if that even, since Nora was born and I can’t blame anyone but myself.

5. Family

The past few months have opened opportunities to get closer to my older brother and I’ve been very grateful for the time we’ve been able to spend together and catch up on the past few years. I’ve always had a close relationship to my Family, but I’m hoping this year I can continue to work on my relationships. My younger brother and sis-in-law are expecting in February and we’re all looking forward to it! I’m already excited for their baby to grow up a little so Nora can have a play-mate while she waits on me and D to have her sibling, haha… in due time.

6. Blogging

I want to write more. I had a Live Journal that was more of an online, but personal journal and I stopped writing as much as I used to. Since starting this blog a few months ago, I’m hoping I can really use it for this new chapter in my life as a Mom, to connect to more of you and hopefully get your thoughts, feedback, and advice.

7. Mom Life

Don’t get me wrong, I feel like most of this year has had a ton of focus on caring for Nora. I still can’t get over how much changes occur within that first year of life!! But now that I’m a year in and we’re on a little bit more of a schedule, I feel like I can really start to hone in on my Mothering abilities. One of the bigger things I’m hoping to do this year is to disconnect a bit more from my phone while Nora’s awake. I won’t lie, I have the television on a lot… I’m bothered when it’s too quiet. Half the time we’re watching things I know Nora isn’t going to really focus on, so she does other things; it’s more for background noise. But I know that’s something I want to work on, as well. I want to read more to her and interact more with her during playtime. I want to continue teaching her to be kind.

8. Wife Life

The biggest goal I want to focus on is my marriage. People tell you having a kid changes things, but I don’t feel like they tell you how. The first half year of Nora’s life was awesome, but very challenging marriage-wise. It just took us a while to figure out how to still focus and have time for our marriage when we’ve been so busy adjusting to our new roles as Mom and Dad, adjusting to being exhausted at the end of the day. Once we got in the swing of things, it helped us get our groove back, but I know there’s more that we both want. I want to go on a date at least once a month, that’s been a struggle for us. I want to work on my communication with D. I want to hold hands more, now that Nora’s walking. I want to be more present when I’m with him.

It’s definitely a laundry list of things. I feel like I’ve already started working on these things the past couple months, so I’m hoping to continue reaching towards these goals. I know it’s a lot about balance. I’ve got a positive outlook for this upcoming year. There’s been so many big changes in the last few years and it’s been exciting to look forward to each new year.

What are your resolutions? Any tips to keep me motivated and keep me going?


Traveling sans Bebe

Recently, I had a chance to travel to California to visit family and support my little cousin in her pageant. It was a quick trip, and Dom and I decided not to bring Nora because of the hassle. It was hard to leave since I hadn’t seen my Husband all week since he was at annual training, but I tried to look at this trip as a time to recharge after spending a week just Nora and me.

I took as much advantage of it as I could! I brought the neck pillow with me, the nice one that I usually let my Husband use. I packed as light as possible and had the smallest carry-on tote I’ve had in a long time. I brought two books knowing damn well I wouldn’t crack them open, and instead, tried to catch up on sleep.

It wasn’t exactly a “vacation” per se, as I was backstage manager for my cousin. It’s not like we went to the beach or anything. Although, we did splurge at In-N-Out and the Luxe Buffet. But it was nice to get away from the daily, mundane household/Baby demands, even for a couple days. It reminded me of the old me, when I used to fly out or do things independently, without anyone depending on me.

I’m most grateful to my Family/support system for helping with childcare during the period Don and I couldn’t be home. I left Friday early evening and Don didn’t get back until Saturday past noon. We’re very lucky that our Family was able to be there for us and take care of Nora. It’s one of the main reasons we moved to this area.

This quick trip was a big reminder that I need to take care of myself more. I’m not exactly talking about frequent get-away trips like this, but something I do for myself and myself only, once a week. I get so stressed because I don’t take enough time to de-stress. That’s going to be my goal for the rest of the year… to make time once a week solely for me, whether it’s going out with friends, manicures, getting my hair done, etc.

I am glad to be back home, recharged and ready to tackle Nora’s separation anxiety and runny nose this week.

What about you? What are some ideas as far as Mama Me-Time? I’d love to hear your suggestions!
